Quick start

If you have bioconda setup as recommended, then you can install preseq as follows:

$ conda install preseq

If you have problems, try the following which sets the channel priority:

$ conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda --strict-channel-priority preseq

The instructions for installing conda are here. You can obtain preseq source code here.

This documentation is still under construction... But the PDF documentation still applies and can be found here.


The preseq package is aimed to help researchers design and optimize sequencing experiments by using population sampling models to infer properties of the population or the behavior under deeper sampling based upon a small initial sequencing experiment. The estimates can then be used to examine the utility of further sequencing, optimize the sequencing depth, or to screen multiple libraries to avoid low complexity samples.

The four main commands are c_curve, lc_extrap, gc_extrap, and bound_pop. The c_curve command interpolates the expected complexity curve based upon a hypergeometric formula and is primarily used to check predictions from lc_extrap and gc_extrap. It will show you what your data looks like (as a curve) within the range of data you already have. The lc_extrap command uses rational function approximations to Good & Toulmin's (1956) non-parametric empirical Bayes estimator to predict the library complexity of future experiments, in essence looking into the future for hypothetical experiments. This is the paper:

Good IJ & Toulmin GH (1956).
The number of new species, and the increase in population coverage,
when a sample is increased.
Biometrika, 43(1-2),45-63.

The gc_extrap command uses a similar approach as lc_extrap to predict the genome coverage, i.e. the number of bases covered at least once, from deeper sequencing in a single cell or low input sequencing experiment based on the observed coverage counts. An option is available to predict the coverage based on binned coverage counts to speed up the estimates. gc_extrap requires mapped read or bed format input, so the tool to-mr is provided to convert bam format read to mapped read format.

bound_pop uses a non-parametric moment-based approach to conservatively estimate the total number of classes in the sample, also called the species richness of the population that is sampled.


Using conda

You can install preseq as follows using conda:

$ conda install -c bioconda preseq

The instructions for installing conda are here.

From source

You can obtain preseq here. Only clone the repo if you are planning to modify or reuse the code, or have some other interesting plans and know what you are doing. Most users should download a release. The README.md file in the GitHub repo explains how to download a release, and not simply the source code files.

Preseq runs on Unix-based systems, notably macOS and Linux. If the input file is in BAM format, the HTSLib library is required. If the input is a text file of counts in a single column, a "counts histogram" or is in BED format, then HTSLib is not required. Preseq has been tested on Linux and Mac OS-X.

Instructions on how to install preseq are included in the README.md file in root of the source tree for preseq. If you have problems installing preseq, please post an issue on the GitHub page or contact Andrew Smith andrewds@usc.edu.

Using preseq

Basic usage

To generate the complexity curve of a genomic library from a read file in BED or BAM format or a duplicate count file, use the c_curve command. Use -o to specify the output file name.

$ preseq c_curve -o complexity_output.txt input.bed

In the command above (and everywhere in these docs) we assume that the preseq program is in your path

To predict the complexity curve of a sequencing library using an initial experiment in BED format, use the lc_extrap command. The required options are -o to specify the output of the yield estimates and the input file, which is either a BED file sorted by chromosome, start position, end position, and strand or a BAM file sorted with the samtools sort function. Additional options are available and are detailed below.

$ preseq lc_extrap -o future_yield.txt input.bed

For a low input sequencing experiment the genomic coverage is highly variable and uncertain function of sequencing depth. Some regions may be missing due to locus dropout or preferentially amplified during whole genome amplification. The gc_extrap command allows the level of genomic coverage from deep sequencing to be predicted based on an initial sample. The input file format need to be a mapped read (.mr) or BED, sorted by chromosome, start position, and end then position. Additional options are available and are detailed below.

$ preseq gc_extrap -o future_coverage.txt input.mr

File Format

Sorted read files in BED or BAM format

Input files are sorted mapped read files in BED or BAM format, or a text file consisting of one column giving the observed read counts. The programs require that BED files are sorted by chromosome, start position, end position, and strand. This can be achieved by using the command line function sort as follows:

$ sort -k 1,1 -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 6,6 input.bed > input.sort.bed

BAM format read files should be sorted by chromosome and start position. This can be done with the SAMTools sort function. If the input is in BAM format, then the flag -B must be included.

If the input is for paired end mapped reads, the option -P can be set. In this case concordantly mapped reads and disconcordantly mapped fragments are counted. This means that both ends of a disconcordantly mapped read will each be counted separately. If a large number of reads are disconcordant, then the default single end should be used or the disconcordantly mapped reads removed prior to running preseq. In this case only the mapping location of the first mate is used as the unique molecular identifier. See this paper for details:

Kivioja T, Vähärautio A, Karlsson K, Bonke M, Enge M, Linnarsson S & Taipale J (2012).
Counting absolute numbers of molecules using unique molecular identifiers.
Nature Methods, 9(1),72-74.

Text files of observed read counts

For more general applications preseq allows the input to be a text file of observed read counts, one count per line. To specify this input, the option -V must be set.

Such a text file can typically be constructed using shell commands or very simple scripts. Take for example an unmapped sequencing experiment in FASTQ format. To predict the complexity, the unique molecular identifier needs to use only the observed sequence. For instance, a unique molecular identifier used may be the first 20 bases in the observed sequence. A command line script to construct the counts would then be

$ awk '{if (NR%4==2) print substr($0,1,20);}' input.fastq | sort | \
    uniq -c | awk '{print $1}' > counts.txt

More complicated unique molecular identifiers can be used, such as mapping position plus a random barcode, but are too complicated to explain here. For questions with such usage, please contact us at andrewds@usc.edu

Mapped read format for gc_extrap

gc_extrap does not allow for input files to be in BAM format. We have found that some mappers give inconsistent SAM flags for paired end reads, preventing efficient merging of reads in the proper order. We provide the tool to-mr to convert SAM or BAM format files to MR format. The MR or BED format file needs to be sorted by chromosome, start, and end position before input into gc_extrap.

Detailed usage


The c_curve command is used to compute the expected complexity curve using a hypergeometric formula (Heck et al., 1975, below). This can be done with input as mapped reads, a counts file, or a counts histogram file. The output is a text file with two columns. The first gives the total number of reads and the second the corresponding number of distinct reads.

Heck Jr, K. L., van Belle, G., & Simberloff, D. (1975).
Explicit calculation of the rarefaction diversity measurement
and the determination of sufficient sample size.
Ecology, 56(6), 1459-1461.

Command line arguments are as follows:

  -o, -output   yield output file (default: stdout)
  -s, -step     step size in extrapolations [1000000.000000]
  -v, -verbose  print more information
  -P, -pe       input is paired end read file
  -H, -hist     input is a text file containing the observed histogram
  -V, -vals     input is a text file containing only the observed
  -B, -bam      input is in BAM format
  -l, -seg_len  maximum segment length when merging paired end bam
                reads [5000]
  -r, -seed     seed for random number generator [408]


The lc_extrap command generates the expected yield for theoretical larger experiments. It can also gives bounds on the number of distinct reads in the library and the associated confidence intervals. The confidence interval is computed by bootstrapping the observed duplicate counts histogram. The output is a text file with four columns:

  1. The first is the total number of reads
  2. The second is the corresponding average expected number of distinct reads
  3. The third is the lower limit of the confidence interval
  4. The fourth is the upper limit of the confidence interval

Specifying verbose will print the counts histogram of the input file.


$ preseq lc_extrap [OPTIONS] <input-file>

Command line arguments are as follows:

  -o, -output   yield output file (default: stdout)
  -e, -extrap   maximum extrapolation [10000000000.000000]
  -s, -step     extrapolation step size [1000000.000000]
  -n, -boots    number of bootstraps [100]
  -c, -cval     level for confidence intervals [0.950000]
  -x, -terms    maximum terms in estimator [100]
  -v, -verbose  print more info
  -B, -bam      input is in BAM format
  -l, -seg_len  maximum segment length when merging paired end bam
                reads [5000]
  -P, -pe       input is paired end read file
  -V, -vals     input is a text file containing only the observed
  -H, -hist     input is a text file containing the observed histogram
  -Q, -quick    quick mode (no bootstraps) for confidence intervals
  -D, -defects  no testing for defects
  -r, -seed     seed for random number generator [408]


The gc_extrap command is used to extrapolate the expected number of bases covered at least once for theoretical larger experiments. This is useful for single cell or low input sequencing experiments. Input format is required to be in mapped read format and we have provided the tool to-mr to convert BAM format files to the mr format. The output is a text file with four columns.

  1. The first is the total number of sequenced and mapped bases
  2. The second gives the corresponding expected number of distinct bases covered
  3. The third gives the lower limit of the confidence interval
  4. The fourth gives the upper limit of the confidence interval

Specifying verbose will print the coverage counts histogram of the input file.


$ preseq gc_extrap [OPTIONS] <input-file>

Command line arguments are as follows:

  -o, -output      coverage yield output file (default: stdout)
  -w, -max_width   max fragment length, set equal to read length for
                   single end reads [10000]
  -b, -bin_size    bin size [10]
  -e, -extrap      maximum extrapolation in base pairs
  -s, -step        step size in bases between extrapolations
  -n, -bootstraps  number of bootstraps [100]
  -c, -cval        level for confidence intervals [0.950000]
  -x, -terms       maximum number of terms [100]
  -v, -verbose     print more information
  -B, -bed         input is in bed format without sequence information
  -Q, -quick       quick mode: run gc_extrap without bootstrapping for
                   confidence intervals
  -D, -defects     defects mode to extrapolate without testing for
  -r, -seed        seed for random number generator [408]


The bound_pop command is a method for estimating species richness, the total number of species or classes in the sampled population. Input format is the same as lc_extrap. Default output is a three column text file, with the first column containing the estimated species richness and the second and third containing the estimated lower and upper confidence intervals. If bound_pop is run in quick mode, then the output is two columns. The first column will contain the estimated species richness and the second column will contain the dimension or order of the approximation.


$ preseq bound_pop [OPTIONS] <input-file>

Command line arguments are as follows:

  -o, -output          species richness output file (default: stdout)
  -p, -max_num_points  maximum number of points in quadrature estimates
  -t, -tolerance       numerical tolerance [0.000000]
  -n, -bootstraps      number of bootstraps [500]
  -c, -clevel          level for confidence intervals [0.950000]
  -v, -verbose         print more information
  -P, -pe              input is paired end read file
  -H, -hist            input is a text file containing the observed
  -V, -vals            input is a text file containing only the
                       observed duplicate counts
  -B, -bam             input is in BAM format
  -l, -seg_len         maximum segment length when merging paired end
                       bam reads [5000]
  -Q, -quick           quick mode, estimate without bootstrapping
  -r, -seed            seed for random number generator [408]



Using a file of mapped reads

The mapped reads given as input must be sorted, and can be in BED format or BAM format if the -B flag is specified. We will use the data file SRR1041830_5M.bam provided through a link in the data subdirectory of the preseq source tree. This is a random sample of 5M reads from a particular sequencing data set.

$ preseq lc_extrap -B -o future_yield.txt SRR1041830_5M.bam

Notice that the -B flag was specified on the command line. This is required if the input data is in BAM format. If you run preseq lc_extrap and it does not list the -B argument, then your version of preseq was not built with BAM support.

The output file future_yield.txt will contain estimaes of the number of distinct reads that will be sequenced upon deeper sequencing from the same library. In this case, we can see some of these predictions as follows. The first several predictions can be seen as follows:

$ head future_yield.txt
0   0   0   0
1000000.0   990651.5    990601.3    990709.5
2000000.0   1963963.0   1963805.8   1964152.2
3000000.0   2921362.5   2921067.3   2921723.9
4000000.0   3863837.0   3863361.6   3864408.8
5000000.0   4792170.5   4791451.2   4792972.3
6000000.0   5706990.8   5705989.7   5708096.4
7000000.0   6608846.9   6607533.2   6610298.1
8000000.0   7498214.9   7496569.6   7500056.3

Note that the first line above gives column headings. The second line corresponds to sequencing zero reads (and is as expected). The remaining lines give estimates for what we would expect if we sequenced the corresponding number of reads from the library. If we sequenced 8M reads, then we expect 7498214.9 of them to be unique. Here the confidence intervals are quite narrow, but that's not always the case, especially in very low-complexity libraries.

We can examine the estimates for sequencing 50M, 500M and 5G reads as follows:

$ grep ^50000000 future_yield.txt
50000000.0      36786623.6  35117618.0  37112536.8
500000000.0     116108773.9 97165891.1  137121043.6
5000000000.0    148401854.8 118080946.1 198715938.8

Above the second column shows the expected distinct reads for sequencing 10x, 100x and 1000x deeper from the same library. In this case, we still sequence new unique reads after 500M, but but the fraction unique at 5G is under 3%. Looking more closely around the 5G estimate:

$ grep -2 ^5000000000 future_yield.txt
4998000000.0    148400017.5 118079815.0 198711828.1
4999000000.0    148400936.4 118080380.7 198713883.8
5000000000.0    148401854.8 118080946.1 198715938.8
5001000000.0    148402772.9 118081511.4 198717993.0
5002000000.0    148403690.7 118082076.4 198720046.3

we see that the library likely only contains 150M unique molecules.

This example uses a sorted read mapped reads file as the data for the initial experiment. The default step size between yield estimates is 1M, the default confidence interval level is 95%, and the default total extrapolation is to 10 billion (10G) sequenced reads.

Using a mapped reads file and the verbose option

$ preseq lc_extrap -v -B -o future_yield.txt SRR1041830_5M.bam

As preseq is running, information will print to the terminal screen (standard error) that includes a read counts histogram of the input file. This truncates after the first value that has zero observations. Included here is the first 20 lines of what would be observed:

TOTAL READS     = 5083564
DISTINCT READS  = 4.86904e+06
MAX COUNT       = 19
COUNTS OF 1     = 4.67849e+06
MAX TERMS       = 18
1   4678490
2   173897
3   12770
4   2345
5   772
6   355
7   156
8   82
9   55
10  37
11  24
12  21

Using a sorted mapped reads with options

$ preseq lc_extrap -B -e 15000000 -s 500000 -b 90 -c .90 -o future_yield.txt SRR1041830_5M.bam

This will use a step size of 500k when making estimates, and the estimates ending at 15M. The confidence intervals are now at a level of 90%. This can be seen as follows:

$ head future_yield.txt
0   0   0   0
500000.0    497614.0    497602.0    497630.0
1000000.0   990651.5    990609.0    990703.1
1500000.0   1479369.5   1479288.0   1479477.3
2000000.0   1963963.0   1963834.6   1964139.1
2500000.0   2444581.0   2444401.0   2444831.2
3000000.0   2921362.5   2921116.3   2921682.2
3500000.0   3394409.5   3394093.8   3394798.0
4000000.0   3863837.0   3863430.4   3864324.8
$ tail -5 future_yield.txt
12500000.0  11356784.0  11353132.2  11360765.0
13000000.0  11771818.5  11767804.8  11776196.8
13500000.0  12184179.7  12179952.7  12188987.7
14000000.0  12594028.0  12589384.9  12599334.0
14500000.0  13001405.8  12996034.3  13007337.6

Using a histogram or read counts as input

lc_extrap allows the input file to be an observed histogram. An example of the format of this histogram is (truncated at 20 lines):

1       47879524
2       16751354
3       7193291
4       3552776
5       1935072
6       1120980
7       682786
8       430623
9       280089
10      186473
11      127529
12      89218
13      63197
14      45779
15      33644
16      25155
17      18760
18      14371
19      11048
20      8667

The following command will give the same output as the first example above (using default parameters):

$ preseq lc_extrap -o future_yield.txt -H histogram.txt

Assuming that histogram.txt has the proper format and includes the frequencies of read counts from SRR1041830_5M.bam.

Similarly, both lc_extrap and c_curve allow the option to input read counts (text file should contain ONLY the observed counts in a single column). For example, if a dataset had the following counts histogram:

1      4
2      3
3      1

then the corresponding input file of just read counts might be


This particular example involves counts that are far to small for preseq to make any estimates, but they should illustrate the relationship between a file of counts, and the counts histogram format.

When using these count "values" the command should be run with the -V flag (not to be confused with the lowercase -v for verbose mode):

$ preseq lc_extrap -o future_yield.txt -V counts.txt


The gc_extrap command is designed for estimating genome coverage from more deeply sequencing a library, particularly in single cell whole genome sequencing experiments. For illustrative purposes we will examine an MDA (multiple displacement amplification) whole genome sequencing experiment, SRA accession SRR1777281. This experiment has 5.76 million paired end 101 base reads. We mapped the experiment with bowtie2 v0.0-beta7 under default parameters. This resulted in 3.63 million concordantly mapped fragment pairs and 2.1 million disconcordantly mapped fragments.

The first step is to convert the sorted bam file to mr format and sort it.

$ to-mr -o SRR1777281_bwt2.mr -L 10000 SRR1777281_bwt2.sort.bam
$ sort -k 1,1 -k 2,2n -k 3,3n SRR1777281_bwt2.mr > SRR1777281_bwt2.sort.mr

The resulting mapped reads file has 813 million bases total (note that bases covered by two fragments of the same read are only counted once) and 410 million covered bases in the genome.

By default, gc_extrap divides the genome into 10 base pair non-overlapping bins. In default mode, the running time of gc_extrap was under 12 minutes.

TOTAL READS         = 5726883
BASE STEP SIZE      = 1e+08
BIN STEP SIZE       = 1e+07
TOTAL BINS          = 8.1325e+07
BINS PER READ       = 14.2006
DISTINCT BINS       = 4.09582e+07
TOTAL BASES         = 8.1325e+08
COUNTS OF 1         = 3.13723e+07
1       3.13723e+07
2       6.97799e+06
3       1.72101e+06

The first several lines of the output file were as follows:

0    0     0     0
100000000.0     64522380.0     63075879.1     66002053.1
200000000.0     123422455.0     120747705.7     126156454.1
300000000.0     178054120.0     174319619.1     181868626.2
400000000.0     229008295.0     224352188.5     233761032.3
500000000.0     276727080.0     271265011.6     282299130.1

The final line of the output was:

999900000000.0     1826891418.6     1621208958.1     2058668772.4

To run gc_extrap at single base resolution, the option -b 1 is required. This results in a significant increase in the running time of the algorithm. For this case the running time was 113 minutes. The following is the command along with the first several lines of information reported to the terminal:

$ preseq gc_extrap SRR1777281_bwt2.sort.mr -o SRR1777281_bwt2_1bp_gc_extrap.txt -b 1 -v
TOTAL READS         = 5726883
BASE STEP SIZE      = 1e+08
BIN STEP SIZE       = 1e+08
TOTAL BINS          = 8.13236e+08
BINS PER READ       = 142.003
DISTINCT BINS       = 4.09454e+08
TOTAL BASES         = 8.13236e+08
COUNTS OF 1         = 3.13527e+08
1       3.13527e+08
2       6.98288e+07
3       1.722e+07

The output looks like this:

0    0     0     0
100000000.0    64680427.0    64284593.4    65078698.0
200000000.0    123709880.0    122978429.6    124445680.9
300000000.0    178447901.0    177427065.8    179474609.6
400000000.0    229488768.0    228216803.2    230767822.1
500000000.0    277279369.5    275788078.2    278778724.8

with the final line:

999900000000.0    1838021604.0    1682515315.7    2007900543.3